Eve Gaal | Coalition For Divorce Reform

Eve Gaal

Few things are more interesting than the unique voice, interaction and communication of humans. Drawn to the newspaper business at a young age, Eve Gaal wrote stories and poems when not writing advertising copy. In mid-career, she decided on returning to school after hours, completing her Master’s degree in Human Behavior. The ensuing knowledge became the perfect choice for understanding clients in business and for creating well-crafted characters for her fiction writing.

Eve’s writing has appeared in various anthologies such as Fiction Noir-13 Stories, God Makes Lemonade, My Funny Valentine and Goose River. Online magazines and journals include the September 2012 issue of Rusty Nail literary magazine with a poem about a writing forum. Her latest story, available on Amazon is Kidnapped Writer. Watch for her upcoming novel titled, Penniless Hearts.

Find more of Eve’s writing at: http://thedesertrocks.blogspot.com/