Fatherless Children | Coalition For Divorce Reform

No-Fault Divorce is Bad For Kids. Divorce Justice is the Answer.

By Katy Faust My name is Katy Faust and I am the founder and president of Them Before Us. We are a global movement defending children’s right to their mother and father. That makes us fierce opponents of divorce. “Divorce” is another term for the death of a family. With it often comes the death […]

America’s Dismantling of Marriage

Earlier this month, columnist Cynthia Allen reflected on America’s on-going debate about marriage and the historical connection between marriage and economic outcomes, especially for children.  “Marriage is not a silver bullet,” she said, but she also pointed out the failure of decades-long policies in our war on poverty, suggesting that there might be something to […]

Hooray For Hollywood

By Jennifer Graham Opponents of divorce had a surprising new ally this summer:  Hollywood. Normally the champion of the follow-your-bliss world view, filmmakers suddenly rushed to the side of intact families, not unlike a caped superhero venturing forth to save the world. First on the scene:  uber family man Brad Pitt, whose character in World War Z quit a […]


Written by Jason Williams I’ve been a dad for about six years now. In that time, I’ve been peed on, pooped on, puked on, drooled on, cried on, spit on, sneezed on, and even bled on (nobody told me the cord would squirt when I cut it). I’ve been slapped, kicked, sat on, jumped on, […]

What Britnee and Her Buds Could Teach Their Elder Sisters

Written by Richard A. Panzer Let me tell you about a talented, bold and beautiful young woman named Britnee Marsh, who just entered Delaware State University (on a full academic scholarship) as a step towards her goal of entering the field of Forensic Science. Last June at an annual banquet, Britnee was crowned “Miss Free […]

The Value of Two

Written by Janice Shaw Crouse The man I married so very long ago is a wonderful husband and father.  Our kids love their dad, respect him and often rely on his good judgment for advice and counsel, even now that they are long since adults and have children of their own. He plays a very […]

Why Are We Afraid To Talk About The Most Important Things?

Written by Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D. In a recent CNN Beliefs Blog, Kerry Egan, a hospice chaplain described her experiences listening to people who were dying. She writes that “they talk about the love they felt, and the love they gave. Often they talk about love they did not receive, or the love they did […]