Waiting Periods | Coalition For Divorce Reform

How To Fix No-Fault Divorce

By Mike McManus In the old days, if a spouse wanted a divorce, there had to be proof that a partner was guilty of a major fault – adultery, abandonment, or physical abuse. Marriage was considered a sacred contract agreed to by the man and woman before God and witnesses. Then in 1969 California Gov. […]


Written by Chris Gersten and Beverly Willett For more than 40 years, Americans have by and large ignored the devastating consequences of no-fault divorce on our nation’s families. All that is about to change. In 2011 we launched the Coalition for Divorce Reform (CDR), a non-partisan coalition of divorce reform leaders, marriage educators, domestic violence […]

The Beauty of the Pause

Written by Beverly Willett   So many people I know seem caught up in a non-stop roll — constantly e-mailing, tweeting, Facebook status posting, Blackberrying, texting.  Me included, at times. Whatever comes into our heads seems to move straight through our fingers and out into cyberspace. It seems we simply don’t have time to think anymore; in other cases, however, we don’t […]

Eleven Year Marriage Ended in 11 Days

Written by Mike McManus   I received a moving note from Jennifer Rivera who got a divorce she did not want: “After being together for 11½ years, the Family Court system of Miami-Dade County was able to legally end it in 11 days.” “If we had more time to wait it out, such as legalized […]