CDR Bloggers | Coalition For Divorce Reform

CDR Bloggers

Linda Chavez

Linda Chavez is the author of “An Unlikely Conservative: The Transformation of an Ex-Liberal.” To find out more about Linda Chavez, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at


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John Crouch

John Crouch is a family law and estate planning attorney and mediator in Arlington, Virginia. His practice emphasizes collaborative divorce and international and interstate family law. He has long been involved in efforts to improve divorce, but more importantly in efforts to reduce divorce and improve marriages, through education, legislation, and other cultural and policy initiatives. He was the director of Americans for Divorce Reform and is active in several family law professional associations. He also has blogs on divorce-related news, statistics, legislation, international family law, and marriage in the family courts.

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Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse

Dr. Janice Crouse is an author, columnist and commentator on domestic issues, the United Nations, family, cultural and women’s concerns. The National Press Club describes Dr. Crouse as having “brought refreshing honesty and intriguing perspective to cultural and political issues.” They add that she has “exposed spin to reveal truth in a way that has earned respect and made her a popular cultural analyst; she is a conservative leader who appeals across ideological and religious barriers.”

Dr. Crouse has twice been an official delegate to the United Nations. During the first Bush Administration, she was a Presidential Speech Writer. She is author of Children at Risk (Transaction Publishers – the publisher of record for social science research) and the forthcoming Marriage Matters, also published by Transaction. Previously, she authored “Gaining Ground: A Profile of American Women in the Twentieth Century” and the book that she co-authored, “A Different Kind of Strength,” was a Conservative Book of the Month selection in 2000. She is frequently interviewed on the major television networks. Her opinion editorials and columns appear in major newspapers across the nation as well as in journals, websites and magazines. She is a member of the board of trustees for the Howard Center and the Institute on Religion and Democracy. She is the recipient of the Leadership Institute’s Global Leadership Award and the State Department’s Abolitionist Award.

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Krsnanandini Devi Dasi & Tariq Saleem Ziyad

Husband and Wife Team:

Krsnanandini Devi Dasi, BS Education, Minister, President of the North American Family Vision Team (GVT)
Tariq Saleem Ziyad, BA Psychology, BA Management, Co-founder, Man Talk Sessions

Both: Co-Directors: Dasi-Ziyad Family Institute:,
Presenters: 2008 and 2003 SmartMarriages Conference & 2008 International Fatherhood Conference Co-coordinator, First Black Marriage Day and First Hispanic Marriage Day in Cleveland, OH

Certified Family Life Educators (CFLEs), Family Wellness Instructors, Prepare/Enrich Administrators, Curriculum developers/instructors of many Healthy Marriage/Family courses,

Authors of magazine/newspaper articles about families, relationships, parenting, youth character-building.
Featured in the book Cleveland Couples: 40 Inspirational stories of Love and Commitment.
Featured authors in All-in-One Marriage Prep: 75 Experts Share Tips and Wisdom to Help You Get Ready Now,
Author: The Booklet of Eights: A Concise Guide to Spiritual Living

Your Tango Experts ( 2008 recipient of the Nguzo Saba Award for promoting community and family unity from the Imani Foundation

Facilitators/Implementers of Workshops e.g: Avoiding Addictive Relationships: Choosing Health and Hope, Benefits of a Principled Family, Building Your Relationship House with the Right Tools, “C” Yourself in a Healthy Relationship, Challenge and Opportunity in the African-American Family, Eight Things Parents Need to Know, Four C’s of Community Building: Communication, Character Development, Conflict Resolution & Cooperation, Healthy Communication in the Workplace and Beyond, How to Avoid Being With a Loser, Success Strategies for Single Parents, Tips for Parenting Older Children, Finding, Keeping and Being Mr. or Ms. Right in a Wrong World, What Is an Empowered Woman?

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Seth Eisenberg

Seth Eisenberg is President and CEO of PAIRS Foundation, an industry leader in relationship and marriage education for more than a quarter century. Eisenberg has contributed to many of the leading evidence-based curricula for relationship-building that are taught to thousands of diverse couples and singles each year through universities, faith-based, and community organizations nationwide. Eisenberg’s passion for strengthening marriages, families and improving the well-being of children was inspired by his personal experience as the third generation of divorce in his family. Since 1995, he has trained more than 1,000 course instructors, led hundreds of classes to groups in all stages of relationship, and measurably contributed to the evolution of the field of marriage and relationship education through innovations that combine emerging technologies with practical approaches to empowering human potential. His efforts have been widely featured in the media, including TIME Magazine, The View, and as a guest of Bill Maher. Eisenberg’s focus on social and emotional learning as the foundation for lifting people out of poverty, strengthening resilience for military families, and ending homelessness has touched thousands of lives. Eisenberg is the father of three sons, happily remarried, and lives in South Florida. He is also a regular contributor to

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Chris Gersten

Co-Chairman Coalition for Divorce Reform, Chris Gersten is the former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, 2001-2005.

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Greg Griffin

greg-griffin-new-photoGreg Griffin is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and ordained Christian pastor in private practice in the Atlanta area.  His specialty is relationship repair and rescue, between partners, spouses, and parents and their adolescents.He earned a BA double major in Religious Studies and Psychology from Randolph-Macon College, and went on to complete his MA in Christian Education at the Presbyterian School of Christian Education.  Prior to establishing his counseling practice, Greg worked for over 20 years as a youth pastor in three churches, and then as a lead pastor and church planter. He calls himself a “pastorpreneur” because he’s a pastoral counselor, nonprofit executive/family advocate, author, fundraising company co-founder, teacher, inventor, all at the same time. Really.

He enjoys family times with his two teenage sons, playing with his beagle/Jack Russell mix named Griffin (yeah, his name is Griffin Griffin), sports, exercise and techno gadgets. He watches sports (especially the Redskins, Ohio State football, the Dodgers, and University of Virginia lacrosse), The Flash, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Survivor, clean comedy on YouTube, and not much else.

You can learn more at his website,


Alan J. Hawkins

Alan J. Hawkins is a professor of Family Life at Brigham University in Provo, Utah, USA. He earned a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies at The Pennsylvania State University in 1990. Professor Hawkins’ scholarship and outreach focuses on educational and policy interventions to help couples form and sustain healthy marriages and relationships. He is widely cited for his work that examines the overall effectiveness of marriage and relationship education. In 2003-2004, he was a visiting scholar with the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services), working on the federal healthy marriage initiative. He was the Research Director of the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center from 2004-2006. He was the Chair of the Utah Healthy Marriage Initiative from 2008-2010. He is a member of the Research Advisory Group of the Oklahoma Healthy Marriage Initiative and Texas Healthy Marriage Initiative, the National Advisory Committee for the National Center for Families and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, and the National Center for African American Marriages and Families at Hampton University.

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Abigail Hirsch

In marriage therapy Dr. Hirsch teaches the skills that enable healthy, happy, smooth relationship.  Likewise, when she works with individuals or families she also focuses on helping clients to create smooth, rewarding relationships —  betwen parents and children, with in-laws or in the workplace.

Website URL: www.



Lori Lowe

Lori Lowe is a marriage blogger, newspaper columnist, and marketing consultant from Indianapolis. Find hundreds of research-based marriage tips at her top-10 marriage blog: Lori’s book, First Kiss to Lasting Bliss: Hope & Inspiration for Your Marriage will be available Dec. 8, 2011 at She has interviewed couples across the country who overcame marital crises and transformed their marriages—addressing issues from drug addiction to infidelity, loss of a child to military separation and more—and tells their stories in First Kiss to Lasting Bliss. For details, visit her author web site at Lori has been married to her college sweetheart since 1995. She and her husband have two children, one crazy cat, and two aquatic frogs. Lori is a child of divorce, GenXer and an advocate for children.

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Mike McManus

 Mike McManus, President of Marriage Savers, has helped 10,000 clergy create Community Marriage Policies in 229 cities over 25 years. These cities have subsequently reduced their divorce rates by an average of 17.5% in seven years, cut cohabitation rates by a third over a decade, and raised marriage rates. See  Mike also co-authored with his wife, Harriet, a book in 2008, Living Together: Myths, Risks & Answers. It suggests a strategy any church could use to reduce cohabitation. Also in 2008 he wrote How to Cut America’s Divorce Rate in Half. Among earlier books is Marriage Savers: How To Help Your Family and Friends Avoid Divorce (1995).

A former TIME magazine correspondent, Mike has written “Ethics & Religion,” a weekly newspaper column since 1981 (, most recently winning his 4th Amy Writing Award. Stories about Marriage Savers have appeared on CBN’s 700 Club, and ABC World News. Mike has been a guest on Oprah, O’Reilly, NBC Nightly News, CBS Early Show and 48 Hours, and Focus on the Family. Mike and Harriet McManus have been married 45 years and have three married sons and seven grandchildren.

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Cathy Meyer

Cathy Meyer is a Marriage and Relationship Educator, holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Alabama. A certified facilitator of marriage and relationship programs, Cathy has offered seminars and workshops to couples who are serious about building and nurturing healthy relationships.  In addition to helping couples with their relationships, Cathy writes and edits the Divorce Support site at, contributes to the Huffington Post as a blogger and is the founder of the online magazine for the divorced woman, Divorced Women Online.


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Nisa Muhammad

Nisa Muhammad is the founder and executive director of Wedded Bliss Foundation, a national initiative to promote marriage in the Black community. She’s also the founder of Black Marriage Day, the fourth Sunday in March, which is an opportunity for communities to celebrate marriage. It started in 2002 with 30 cities and has grown to 300 communities in 2011. Mrs. Muhammad collaborated with Dr. Rozario Slack to develop a marriage education curriculum called Basic Training for Couples designed to meet the needs of the Black community. She teaches couples classes, trains professionals and is a widely sought after speaker on marriage in the Black community. Her work was featured on CNN’s Black in America 2 as pioneering in strengthening marriage in the Black community.

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D.

Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., is the President, Founder and Director of the Institute for Relationship Intelligence, which has educated more than 100,000 young people in New York and New Jersey about healthy relationships and marriage.  A public speaker and developer of the Relationship Intelligence family life educational program, he has spoken to health educators,  social workers,  parents and community groups all over the U.S., and around the world.

Dr. Panzer has authored several books, including a children’s book called Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from? He directed the Real Deal on Love, Relationships, and Marriage documentary video/DVD in 2005. In 2009, Dr. Panzer co-authored The War on Intimacy: how agenda –driven sex ed sabotages committed relationships and our nation’s health.

A graduate of Yale University, Mr. Panzer is married and the father of 4 children. His doctorate is in the field of Educational Communication and Technology from New York University.

Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D.                                                                                                                                 Founder/DirectorInstitute for Relationship Intelligence                                                                                                         P.O. Box 97                                                                                                                                                                               Westwood, NJ 07675                                                                                                                                                                       (201) 358-1504                                                                                                                                                         [email protected]                                                                                                                                                         Website URL:


David Schel

David Schel is the Founder of Kids Against Divorce (K.A.D.), an organization dedicated to stopping the cycle of divorce and giving children a voice in their parents’ marriage.

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Kevin Senich

Kevin Senich received his AB from the University of Michigan with distinction in honors history, and his JD from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law of Cleveland State University. As a practicing attorney and principal of Kevin J. M. Senich, LLC, he concentrates in the areas of family law and civil litigation. He is admitted to practice in all the courts of the State of Ohio, several federal district courts, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, among other jurisdictions.

For over twenty years Kevin has corresponded and consulted with pro-marriage groups and individuals on legal matters related to divorce and divorce process. His practical scholarship includes appellate cases construing Ohio statutes as regards “cause” for divorce, “equal division of marital property” and “financial misconduct”. He has appeared on radio shows and has spoken locally and nationally on topics related to divorce law and its effect on marital relations and fathers’ rights, and has addressed committees of the Ohio Legislature on divorce reform. He is a former committee member of the family law sections of several bar associations as well as the National Lawyers Association.


Michele Weiner-Davis

Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW is an internationally renowned relationship expert, best-selling author, psychotherapist, marriage educator and sought after speaker specializing in a down-to-earth, solution-oriented approach that helps people prevent divorce. She is the author of seven books including her best-selling books, DIVORCE BUSTING (Simon & Schuster), and THE SEX-STARVED MARRIAGE (Simon & Schuster).   Michele is the Director of The Divorce Busting® Center and founder of which offers valuable information for people in troubled marriages including consultations with Divorce Busting® telephone coaches and marriage enriching programs.   Michele has received recognition for her work with couples such as The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy’s Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Marriage and Therapy Award and Smart Marriages’ Impact Award. She has been featured in major newspapers and magazines and has made countless media appearances on shows such as 48 Hours, 20/20, The Today Show, and Oprah.

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Beverly Willett

Beverly Willett is Co-Chairman of the Coalition for Divorce Reform.  She is also an author and attorney. Her articles about divorce, marriage and parenting have appeared in many publications, including The New York Times, Newsweek, Woman’s Day, Family Circle, Prevention,, Parenting and The Daily Beast. She’s a regular contributor to The Huffington PostDivorce page, a former Contributing Editor to Chicken Soup for the Soul Magazine, and a long-time advisor to For the past year, she has been consulting with groups and individuals about divorce reform on a pro bono basis.Beverly received her B.A. in political science from Penn State University, and her law degree from the Columbus School of Law at Catholic University. As a lawyer, she worked with Willie Farr & Gallagher, headed up business affairs for CBS International, and represented clients in the entertainment business while at Carro Spanbock Kaster & Cuiffo. She has also lobbied before Congress and represented ASCAP in proceedings before the U.S. Copyright Office.Please visit her website for further information and to contact her personally. Beverly is at work on her first book, and is represented by The Bent Agency.

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Jason Williams

Jason A. Williams is a free-lance writer and is currently Marketing Coordinator for Just The Facts, a relationship education program in Alabama.”

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