Non-Legislative Efforts to Reduce Divorce | Coalition For Divorce Reform - Part 6

It’s Never Too Late to Save Your Marriage

Written by Michele Weiner-Davis   When marriages teeter on the brink of divorce, it’s very easy to feel defeated and even consider throwing in the towel.  This is particularly true if one spouse seems resolute about exiting the relationship.  And there are many reasons hopelessness can set in.  But it is very, very important to […]

Avoiding Divorce & Recovering From It

Written by Mike McManus   In the 1980s Steve Grissom experienced a divorce he did not want. He was shattered.  He was buffeted between lawyers and courts, attorneys charging huge fees. The impact on his child was devastating. It was the worst experience of his life. Eventually in 1989 he got through it with a […]

Study Shows Skills Training Cuts Military Divorce Rates

Written by Seth Eisenberg   A recent study of military couples found that skills-training is likely to significantly decrease the rate of divorce, with significant implications for the field of marriage and relationship education and couples contemplating separation. For nearly 30 years, PREP has been one of the leading pioneers in the study of marriage […]

The Benefits of Marriage Education

Written by Seth Eisenberg   If you have minor children and want to end your marriage, why should you wait?  Why should you first be required to participate in divorce education classes, then wait another eight months before getting divorced, as the Coalition for Divorce Reform proposes? The answer is patience pays off.  For most […]

We Can Change the Direction of Failing Marriages

Written by Krsnanandini Devi Dasi & Tariq Saleem Ziyad   Imagine you are walking down a long and winding road and your journey is interrupted by a wise and kind old person. She suggests that you take another path and tells you that if you keep walking down the road you currently are on, you […]

Living Together: Myths, Risks & Answers

Written by Mike McManus To the Presidential candidates, America’s biggest problem is the economy. However, I believe the disintegration of marriage is the nation’s central domestic problem, costing billions of taxpayer dollars for poverty, depression, crime and suicide. This crisis has three elements: 1. The marriage rate has plunged 53 percent since 1970. Of those […]

Why Are Women Leaving Their Marriages in Droves?

Written by Michele Weiner-Davis Each year over one million marriages will end in divorce.  But here is something you might not know.  Over two thirds of those divorces were filed for by women.  Astonishing?  Not really. There are many reasons women are walking away in droves. So, what’s at the root of the “Walk Away […]