Greg Griffin | Coalition For Divorce Reform

Greg Griffin

greg-griffin-new-photoGreg Griffin is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and ordained Christian pastor in private practice in the Atlanta area.  His specialty is relationship repair and rescue, between partners, spouses, and parents and their adolescents.

He earned a BA double major in Religious Studies and Psychology from Randolph-Macon College, and went on to complete his MA in Christian Education at the Presbyterian School of Christian Education.  Prior to establishing his counseling practice, Greg worked for over 20 years as a youth pastor in three churches, and then as a lead pastor and church planter. He calls himself a “pastorpreneur” because he’s a pastoral counselor, nonprofit executive/family advocate, author, fundraising company co-founder, teacher, inventor, all at the same time. Really.

He enjoys family times with his two teenage sons, playing with his beagle/Jack Russell mix named Griffin (yeah, his name is Griffin Griffin), sports, exercise and techno gadgets. He watches sports (especially the Redskins, Ohio State football, the Dodgers, and University of Virginia lacrosse), The Flash, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Survivor, clean comedy on YouTube, and not much else.

You can learn more at his website,