Lori Lowe | Coalition For Divorce Reform

Lori Lowe

Lori Lowe is a marriage blogger, newspaper columnist, and marketing consultant from Indianapolis. Find hundreds of research-based marriage tips at her top-10 marriage blog: www.MarriageGems.com. Lori’s book, First Kiss to Lasting Bliss: Hope & Inspiration for Your Marriage will be available Dec. 8, 2011 at Amazon.com. She has interviewed couples across the country who overcame marital crises and transformed their marriages—addressing issues from drug addiction to infidelity, loss of a child to military separation and more—and tells their stories in First Kiss to Lasting Bliss. For details, visit her author web site at www.LoriDLowe.com. Lori has been married to her college sweetheart since 1995. She and her husband have two children, one crazy cat, and two aquatic frogs. Lori is a child of divorce, GenXer and an advocate for children.

Website URL: http://www.LoriDLowe.com