Strengthening Marriages in Florida: A Template for Divorce Reform, Complemented by the Latest in Technology

By Seth Eisenberg

In the spring of 2000, Jane and Michael stood hand in hand at the altar, excited yet mindful of the challenges that lay ahead. They were like any other young couple—full of hope, but also cautious about the realities of married life. Two years earlier, Florida had introduced the Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act, encouraging couples to participate in premarital education. Eager to start their journey on the right foot, Jane and Michael enrolled in the PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) program. Little did they know that this decision would profoundly shape their lives.

Fast forward to today. Jane and Michael are celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary and reflecting on a journey filled with love, challenges, and growth. They attribute their enduring relationship to the PAIRS class they took before marriage. Their oldest daughter recently graduated from medical school, a milestone that fills them with immense pride. As she prepares for her own wedding, Jane and Michael have insisted that she and her fiancé also participate in a PAIRS course, ensuring the next generation benefits from this invaluable resource. They marvel at how a piece of legislation they initially viewed as a mere formality became the cornerstone of their marital success.

The Genesis of the Florida Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act of 1998

Addressing a National Crisis

The late 20th century saw a sharp rise in divorce rates across the United States, prompting policymakers to seek solutions to preserve the sanctity of marriage. In Florida, the Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act of 1998 emerged as a pioneering legislative measure aimed at addressing these concerns and promoting family stability.

Historical Context

During the 1980s and 1990s, Florida’s divorce rate, like many other states, was alarmingly high. The social and economic implications were profound, affecting not only the individuals involved but also their children and the broader community. Research consistently showed that children from divorced families often faced academic, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Recognizing these adverse outcomes, Florida lawmakers sought to promote healthier marriages through preventive education.

Legislative Objectives

The primary objectives of the Florida Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act were to:

  1. Promote Informed Decisions: Ensure that couples entering marriage are fully aware of the commitments and responsibilities involved.
  2. Reduce Divorce Rates: Provide couples with the tools and knowledge to navigate marital challenges, thereby reducing the likelihood of divorce.
  3. Support Family Stability: Enhance the well-being of children and families by fostering stable and healthy marital relationships.

Key Provisions

The Act introduced several key provisions to achieve these objectives:

  • Marriage Preparation Courses: Couples applying for a marriage license were encouraged to complete a premarital preparation course, with a discount on the license fee as an incentive.
  • Educational Materials: Distribution of educational materials on marriage and family life was mandated, covering communication skills, conflict resolution, financial responsibilities, and parenting.
  • Waiting Period: A three-day waiting period for marriage licenses was established, which could be waived if the couple completed a premarital preparation course.

Challenges in Implementation

Despite its noble goals, the Act faced challenges in implementation. A significant issue was the lack of a requirement for evidence-based approaches in the marriage education programs delivered. Consequently, many couples participated in courses that were not research-based and thus proved ineffective in providing meaningful support. These programs often contributed little to the couples’ lives, failing to equip them with the necessary skills to build strong, enduring marriages.

The Importance of Evidence-Based Programs

Not all marriage education programs are created equal. Programs like PAIRS and PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program), grounded in rigorous research and proven methodologies, have demonstrated significant positive impacts on relationship quality and stability. A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy found that participants in PAIRS programs reported substantial improvements in communication, conflict resolution, and emotional intimacy. Similarly, PREP has been shown to improve relationship satisfaction and reduce divorce rates. These skills are crucial for preventing marital breakdowns and fostering resilient relationships.

The State of Marriage and Divorce in Florida

Marriage Trends

Over the past two decades, the landscape of marriage in Florida has continued to evolve. According to data from the Florida Department of Health, marriage rates have fluctuated but generally shown a slight decline, reflecting broader national trends. Factors such as changing societal attitudes towards marriage, economic considerations, and the increasing prevalence of cohabitation without formal marriage contribute to this decline.

Divorce Rates

Despite the initial positive impact of the Florida Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act, divorce rates in Florida remain a concern. While there has been a slight decrease in divorce rates since the Act’s implementation, the numbers are still significant. The Florida Department of Health reports that in recent years, approximately 40% of marriages in the state end in divorce. This underscores the ongoing need for effective marriage education and support systems.

Challenges in Marital Relationships

Several factors contribute to marital challenges and subsequent divorces in Florida:

  • Economic Stress: Financial difficulties are a major source of strain in marriages. Issues such as unemployment, debt, and economic instability can lead to conflicts and marital dissatisfaction.
  • Communication Problems: Poor communication is often cited as a primary reason for marital breakdown. Couples who struggle to express their needs and resolve conflicts constructively are at higher risk of divorce.
  • Infidelity and Trust Issues: Breaches of trust, including infidelity, can irreparably damage the marital bond. Rebuilding trust after such incidents is challenging and requires significant effort and commitment from both partners.
  • Emotional and Psychological Issues: Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, can adversely affect marital relationships. The stigma associated with seeking help often exacerbates these problems.

The Role of Marriage Education

Marriage education plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges. By equipping couples with essential skills and knowledge, marriage education can help prevent marital breakdowns and promote healthier, more resilient relationships. The Florida Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act laid the foundation for this approach, and its principles remain relevant today. However, it is essential to ensure that the programs offered are based on sound research and proven methodologies.

The Persistence of High Divorce Rates

Part of the reason divorce rates remain high is that couples in crisis are still more likely to pursue counseling, therapy, or even consult with a lawyer before participating in evidence-based marriage education and relationship skills training programs such as PAIRS and PREP. Research has shown that counseling and therapy for couples experiencing marital distress often lead to divorce. This tendency is exacerbated by the lack of sufficient funding for marriage education programs. During the George W. Bush administration, substantial federal funding was allocated to make marriage education widely available. However, this funding has remained stagnant through subsequent administrations, limiting the availability and reach of these essential programs.

Government’s Role in Marriage Education

To truly tackle the divorce rate, it is imperative for the government to step up once again. Substantial funding and support are necessary to make evidence-based marriage and relationship education widely available and accessible. Programs like PAIRS and PREP have demonstrated efficacy in strengthening marriages and preventing divorce. Moreover, the public cost of divorce is substantial, estimated at $112 billion annually due to increased expenditures on poverty-related programs, criminal justice, and lost productivity. For every dollar invested in marriage education, many more dollars are saved by reducing federal expenditures related to the consequences of marriage and family breakdown.

The Benefits of Healthy Marriages on Children

Healthy marriages have profound positive effects on children. Research indicates that children raised in stable, two-parent households tend to perform better academically, exhibit fewer behavioral problems, and have higher self-esteem compared to those from divorced families. Conversely, the negative consequences of divorce on children can be severe. Studies have shown that children of divorced parents are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral issues, struggle academically, and face difficulties in their own relationships.

Introducing the PAIRS Yodi App: Revolutionizing Marriage Education

In the digital age, the delivery of marriage education has evolved significantly. The PAIRS Yodi App represents a cutting-edge approach to providing couples with the tools and resources they need to build and maintain healthy marriages.


PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) is a renowned organization dedicated to enhancing relationship skills and emotional well-being. Founded on the principles of empathy, communication, and conflict resolution, PAIRS has been at the forefront of relationship education for over three decades.

The PAIRS Yodi App

The PAIRS Yodi App leverages technology to make marriage education accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The app offers a comprehensive suite of resources designed to support couples at every stage of their relationship.

Features and Benefits

  1. Accessible and Convenient: The app can be accessed from any smartphone or tablet, allowing couples to engage in marriage education at their own pace and convenience. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for busy couples who may struggle to attend in-person workshops.
  2. Interactive Modules: The PAIRS Yodi App features interactive modules covering a wide range of topics, including communication skills, conflict resolution, financial management, and intimacy. Each module is designed to be engaging and practical, providing couples with actionable strategies to strengthen their relationship.
  3. Personalized Learning: The app offers personalized learning paths based on the specific needs and goals of each couple. Users can select modules that address their unique challenges and receive tailored recommendations for further learning.
  4. Evidence-Based Content: The app’s content is grounded in decades of research and best practices in relationship education. By incorporating the latest findings from the fields of psychology and family studies, the PAIRS Yodi App ensures that users receive high-quality, evidence-based guidance.
  5. Community Support: The app includes a community forum where users can connect with other couples, share experiences, and offer support. This sense of community can be invaluable, providing users with a network of peers who understand their struggles and successes.

A Call to Action

The introduction of the PAIRS Yodi App represents a significant advancement in the field of marriage education. By making high-quality, evidence-based resources widely available, the app has the potential to revolutionize how couples approach and maintain their relationships.

However, to maximize its impact, it is crucial that the government, organizations, and individuals support and promote the use of such innovative tools. Marriage education should be a priority for policymakers and stakeholders, with investments in research, development, and accessibility to ensure that couples receive the support they need to build strong, healthy marriages.


The Florida Marriage Preparation and Preservation Act of 1998 marked a significant step toward promoting marital stability and preventing divorce. While the Act’s implementation faced challenges, its underlying principles remain relevant today. By prioritizing evidence-based marriage education and leveraging technological advancements like the PAIRS Yodi App, we can continue to support couples in building lasting, fulfilling relationships. Investing in marriage education is not just a matter of individual well-being but also a societal imperative with far-reaching benefits for families and communities.

Post By beverlyw (101 Posts)


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