The Latest Scare Cards to Prop up No-Fault Divorce

By Beverly Willett After a rash of rumors about a Republican plot to end unilateral no-fault divorce, a writer for The Atlantic has weighed in. The piece devotes exactly one paragraph to the claim, asserting that “Texas has a chance of actually doing it” because Republicans occupy top seats in the executive branch and control […]

How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D. We’ve all seen shocking divorces: those where the couple had everything going for them and seemed to be perfectly matched. From the outside, such couples seem fine and there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong.  On the other side, we’ve seen couples who shock us by staying together when they seem […]

The Constitutional Violations of No-Fault Divorce by Beverly Willett

Author, co-founder of the Coalition for Divorce Reform, and lawyer, Beverly Willett writes about the negative consequences of divorce….[Watch more here at The Law Center} Related PostsMarriage is Not Dead – And Our Fascination With the Royal Wedding Proves It Great Expectations — The Real Key to Happily Ever After Thinking About Divorce Doesn’t […]

On the 50th Anniversary of No-Fault Divorce

By Beverly Willett Until sued for divorce, many spouses have no idea they can be divorced without cause and against their will. I’m a lawyer and I, too, was in the dark right up until my husband left. So why is this violation of the U.S. Constitution that has shattered innocent lives not on the […]

Hey Kids, One More Thing: How About a “March for Our Families?”

By David Schel I was intrigued by students walking out of class for seventeen minutes on March 14th as well as March for Our Lives on March 24th.  I wonder if their outrage might extend to another area of their lives where they’d be justified in feeling adults have failed them? Just as all kids […]

Don’t Divorce — Why Mending Your Marriage Makes Better Sense

By Mike McManus Marriage has fallen on hard times. Half of America’s marriages have ended in divorce since 1975 – a divorce rate that is triple that of Britain or France. Dr. Diane Medved offers answers in a compelling new book, Don’t Divorce: Compelling Arguments for Saving and Revitalizing Your Marriage.  It is must reading for […]

Children Are Hurt by Marriage Failure

By Mike McManus We all know that half of America’s marriages fail – and have for decades.  What’s less well known is that America’s marriage rate has plunged in half and unwed births soared 8-fold. Who is most wounded by divorce and non-marriage? Children – innocent victims of their parents’ selfishness.   Only 46% of American […]

Time of Divorce Affects Well-being of Children

By Lori Lowe Many people talk of the “good divorce” and imagine resilient children who go on to have strong relationships with both parents following a family breakdown. That’s not what the research shows generally happens. Instead, when children experience parental divorce, they are more likely to have insecure relationships with their parents once they […]

How To Fix No-Fault Divorce

By Mike McManus In the old days, if a spouse wanted a divorce, there had to be proof that a partner was guilty of a major fault – adultery, abandonment, or physical abuse. Marriage was considered a sacred contract agreed to by the man and woman before God and witnesses. Then in 1969 California Gov. […]

My Passion to Serve Children and Save Families

Written by Greg Griffin In the summer of 2012, I was combing the web looking for work, and I stumbled across the Coalition for Divorce Reform’s (CDR’s) website. I read through the site and the Parental Divorce Reform Act (PDRA), the CDR’s model divorce reform legislation, with interest because my family had gone through a […]