Is Marriage Obsolete? No! It’s More Needed Than Ever

By Mike McManus Marriage is declining in America.  There were only 2,077,000 marriages in 2015 – fewer than the 2,159,000 in 1970 when the population was only 203 million.  If the same percentage were getting married today, there would have been 1.3 million more marriages last year! Sadly, a large minority of the population – […]

She Was My First . . .

By Jason Williams My wife Amanda was determined to save herself for her husband, to give him something special that no other man had ever received.  I was her first, but she was not mine.  That fact has been a source of hurt during our marriage.  For her, it’s the reality of knowing that physical […]

Being A World Class Grandparent

By Chris Gersten I have been a grandparent for nineteen years and am blessed to have nine grandchildren ranging in age from 19 to 4.  Being a good grandparent is a lot easier than being a good parent.  It takes much less work and time and resources.  So I have crafted a set of suggestions […]

The Joy of Love

By Dr. Hilary Towers Last week Pope Francis released his eagerly-awaited synthesis of the work that took place during the 2014 and 2015 synods on marriage and the family. The conclusions reached by Francis and the synod fathers in the lengthy document entitled, Amoris Laetitia, (Latin for “The Joy of Love”), have caused much discussion […]

Why Aren’t Millennials Marrying?

By Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse Neil Clark Warren, the Internet matchmaking guru, interviewed 500 college students and found that over half of them had never observed a happy marriage. Is it any wonder that millennials are rejecting marriage in favor of serial cohabitation in record numbers? Ironically, in his numerous studies, W. Bradford Wilcox, director […]

Time of Divorce Affects Well-being of Children

By Lori Lowe Many people talk of the “good divorce” and imagine resilient children who go on to have strong relationships with both parents following a family breakdown. That’s not what the research shows generally happens. Instead, when children experience parental divorce, they are more likely to have insecure relationships with their parents once they […]

The Next Fifty Years of Marriage

By Chris Gersten A few weeks ago my wife Linda and I were celebrating the 50th anniversary of our first meeting.  I discussed some of the things I have learned about being a good husband.  Now I want to look forward to our next fifty years together and explore ways we can continue to improve […]

Kids, Your Mom Wants a Divorce!

By Michele Weiner-Davis No one, especially not parents, takes the decision to divorce lightly. Most people flounder in their marriages for long periods of time and question themselves endlessly before throwing in the towel. The last thing parents want to do is to hurt their children. That’s why when it comes time to break the […]

In Training For My Grandchildren

By Jason Williams I’m 32-years-old.  My kids are eight, seven, and five. I figure I’m at least 15 years away from having grandchildren, but I’m already preparing for them. About three years ago, someone wiser than me told me what someone wiser than he was told him: “Don’t think of your children as your children. […]

How To Fix No-Fault Divorce

By Mike McManus In the old days, if a spouse wanted a divorce, there had to be proof that a partner was guilty of a major fault – adultery, abandonment, or physical abuse. Marriage was considered a sacred contract agreed to by the man and woman before God and witnesses. Then in 1969 California Gov. […]