Thinking About Divorce Doesn’t Mean Couples Will Follow Through

By Alan J. Hawkins, Ph.D “Well . . . on a day-to-day basis, that does change because, you know, something might happen and it makes me feel like, okay, I can do this. . . .[T]hen there are days when, its just like, okay, this is just not going to work or we are right […]

Screw Monogamy?

By Michele Weiner-Davis Not So Fast. Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about the fact that monogamy is an outdated, unrealistic and suffocating institution.  “After all,” we’re told, “human beings simply aren’t wired to have only one sexual partner.  It’s unnatural, unworkable, unrealistic.” Additionally, even though it’s natural to be attracted to other people, […]

Thinking of filing for divorce in January? Read this first.

By Greg Griffin I bet you’ve figured out already that this is not the warm fuzzy holiday blog post. There are lots of wonderful heart-warming stories and experiences shared this time of year. Cultures around the world celebrate, decorate, plan parties, buy gifts, and gather with family and friends. Media hypes the feel-good stories of […]

Your Marriage Belongs to Your Community of Family and Friends

By Nisa Muhammad To my dear recently wedded friend, I recently read an article on entitled “Divorced? Give Your Wedding Guests a Refund.” And I thought of you and your recent nuptials. After much thought, I wanted you to know that your marriage belongs not only to you and your spouse, but also your community of […]

Time of Divorce Affects Well-being of Children

By Lori Lowe Many people talk of the “good divorce” and imagine resilient children who go on to have strong relationships with both parents following a family breakdown. That’s not what the research shows generally happens. Instead, when children experience parental divorce, they are more likely to have insecure relationships with their parents once they […]

How To Fix No-Fault Divorce

By Mike McManus In the old days, if a spouse wanted a divorce, there had to be proof that a partner was guilty of a major fault – adultery, abandonment, or physical abuse. Marriage was considered a sacred contract agreed to by the man and woman before God and witnesses. Then in 1969 California Gov. […]

How Many Married People Have Thought About Divorce? *

Written by Alan J. Hawkins and Sage E. Allen Almost everyone wants a happy marriage and wants it to last a lifetime.[i] But most also know the scary U.S. statistics: nearly 50 percent of first marriages and more than 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce. Researchers have discovered a lot about the struggles […]

My Passion to Serve Children and Save Families

Written by Greg Griffin In the summer of 2012, I was combing the web looking for work, and I stumbled across the Coalition for Divorce Reform’s (CDR’s) website. I read through the site and the Parental Divorce Reform Act (PDRA), the CDR’s model divorce reform legislation, with interest because my family had gone through a […]

Busted By Ashley Madison: The Upside

By Seth Eisenberg Can getting busted on Ashley Madison be the beginning of true love and a happier, stronger marriage? For many, the surprising answer is “Yes!” Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton tearfully met the press in Orlando Monday to admit using his credit card for Ashley Madison as he privately probed the world’s largest dating site for cheaters from his government […]

Daughters of Divorce

By Aimee Lynch As college-age women find their seats, I consider their faces. Outwardly, we look different. We come from different years in school, and have different majors and varying personalities. All strangers until we began sharing stories about our common bond:  we are all daughters of divorce. As a child of divorce myself, and […]