Busted By Ashley Madison: The Upside

By Seth Eisenberg Can getting busted on Ashley Madison be the beginning of true love and a happier, stronger marriage? For many, the surprising answer is “Yes!” Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton tearfully met the press in Orlando Monday to admit using his credit card for Ashley Madison as he privately probed the world’s largest dating site for cheaters from his government […]

Daughters of Divorce

By Aimee Lynch As college-age women find their seats, I consider their faces. Outwardly, we look different. We come from different years in school, and have different majors and varying personalities. All strangers until we began sharing stories about our common bond:  we are all daughters of divorce. As a child of divorce myself, and […]

Quad-Skinny-Double-Pump-Mocha-Chino — Marriage Advice — With Foam

By David Schel Like so many other mobile aficionados, I office out of a Starbucks location. It’s a great set-up. Nice working atmosphere, great music, and a full coffee bar. Best of all, free rent!  I still get the full breadth of office chatter too. My landlord Howard actually stirred up some of the office […]

Giving Hope to a Relationship Third-World Country

By Sage Erickson Picture a third world country: desperate poverty, a daily struggle to survive, widespread suffering, minimal sanitation, and diminished economic opportunities. Now picture the United States. Although the United States has long been known as a first-world country politically and economically, has it become a third world country when it comes to romantic […]

Shoring Up Stepfamilies

By Mike McManus Perhaps half of all marriages involve one partner who was previously married. If children are involved, 70% of stepfamilies will divorce, putting everyone through another trauma. However, four of five of these marriages can be saved. Why do so many of these marriages fail? “Putting together or integrating a stepfamily is one […]

Conscious Uncoupling: Another View

By Seth Eisenberg I have to admit, I became “consciously uncoupled” long before Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin created a national conversation about the phrase. My parents became consciously uncoupled before my fourth birthday. I admit this as someone proud to consider myself among the most passionate proponents of marriage. When TIME Magazine interviewed me a few years ago about […]

Why Not Conscious Re-coupling?

I find it sad when any couple splits, especially couples with children.  I feel the same way about Gwyneth Paltrow and her soon-to-be ex-husband. When there’s some sort of abuse, it’s equally sad, but it’s also understandable when a spouse calls it quits.  That’s not the case here.  And I’m more than a bit annoyed […]

How to Help Your Friend’s Marriage

By Lori Lowe Did you know that according to a USA Today survey of 1,000 adults aged 25 to 70, almost three-fourths of adults have been marriage confidants?  Indeed, 78% of women and 69% of men have had a friend or family member confide in them about their marriage or long-term relationship struggles. In fact, most people (64%) would […]

Preventing Divorce Through Compassion, Humility and Positivity

 By Krsnanandini Devi Dasi & Tariq Saleem Ziyad The following is based on the true story of a couple headed toward divorce.  After the narrative, we give two scenarios that were possible, given the challenges the couple experienced.  We ask you, the reader, to choose the scenario that would give the best hope for the […]

Marriage In The Culture of Immediacy

Written by John Stewart Our culture’s obsession with immediacy (I feel ignored if my email is not answered within an hour), simple answers to complex problems (kill all of the radical Muslims, this will teach them not to hate us) and impermanency (I long for the new IPhone before I have learned to use the […]