Divorce Busting | Coalition For Divorce Reform

The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Family in 2019: Save Your Marriage

By Michele-Weiner Davis As a veteran marriage therapist with nearly 40 years of experience, I am one of a group of professionals who have found that the format of the traditional “60-minute” therapy session repeated week after week is impractical-even inherently flawed.  Instead I, along with a number of my colleagues, now offer two-day couples […]

Before You Tie The Knot

By Michele-Weiner Davis Does knowing one’s fiancée’s values, goals and aspirations increase the odds a couple will live happily ever after?” That’s what reporters often want to know when interviewing me about the questions people should ask before tying the knot. As someone who for several decades has specialized in working with couples teetering on […]

Quad-Skinny-Double-Pump-Mocha-Chino — Marriage Advice — With Foam

By David Schel Like so many other mobile aficionados, I office out of a Starbucks location. It’s a great set-up. Nice working atmosphere, great music, and a full coffee bar. Best of all, free rent!  I still get the full breadth of office chatter too. My landlord Howard actually stirred up some of the office […]