Parental Divorce Reduction Act | Coalition For Divorce Reform

My Passion to Serve Children and Save Families

Written by Greg Griffin In the summer of 2012, I was combing the web looking for work, and I stumbled across the Coalition for Divorce Reform’s (CDR’s) website. I read through the site and the Parental Divorce Reform Act (PDRA), the CDR’s model divorce reform legislation, with interest because my family had gone through a […]

What Kids Want Most

 Written by Beverly Willett I’m willing to bet the house that no child who sat on Santa’s knee this past Christmas wished for mommy and daddy to split up and live in separate houses.  And I don’t need a scientific survey to back that up. It’s not complicated, folks.  Unless family life is literally a […]


Written by Chris Gersten and Beverly Willett For more than 40 years, Americans have by and large ignored the devastating consequences of no-fault divorce on our nation’s families. All that is about to change. In 2011 we launched the Coalition for Divorce Reform (CDR), a non-partisan coalition of divorce reform leaders, marriage educators, domestic violence […]

A Proposal To Restore Marriage In Louisiana

By Mike McManus The following is an abbreviated version of my testimony of February 5, 2013 to the Louisiana Marriage Commission. No Fault Divorce Reform I suggest that Louisiana consider two different No Fault Divorce Reform strategies. The first is based on the fact that lengthening the time before a couple can get divorced will […]