therapy | Coalition For Divorce Reform

The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Family in 2019: Save Your Marriage

By Michele-Weiner Davis As a veteran marriage therapist with nearly 40 years of experience, I am one of a group of professionals who have found that the format of the traditional “60-minute” therapy session repeated week after week is impractical-even inherently flawed.  Instead I, along with a number of my colleagues, now offer two-day couples […]

In Praise of the Tenacity of Marriage

By Jennifer Grant At the small, religious college I attended, some girls joked that they were there to earn a “Mrs.” degree. I steered clear of them; their preoccupation with finding husbands seemed not only ridiculous but also pathetic to me. And I had plans. After college, I’d go to grad school, write a novel, […]

My Affair Just Happened. . .

By Michele Weiner-Davis I’ve been a therapist for a very long time. I’ve encountered people from all walks of life with varied viewpoints, personalities, strengths and idiosyncratic quirks. I’m never bored, rarely shocked and almost never irritated. But the operative word here is “almost.” I have lost count of the number of times when a spouse who’s been […]