By Suzanne Venker What’s your attitude toward marriage as an institution? Is it more traditional in nature, or does it match the culture’s more progressive, cavalier view? Your attitude is the single most important determiner of your success in life. Life will throw you a thousand curve balls. So will marriage. But it isn’t the curve balls […]
Screw Monogamy?
By Michele Weiner-Davis Not So Fast. Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about the fact that monogamy is an outdated, unrealistic and suffocating institution. “After all,” we’re told, “human beings simply aren’t wired to have only one sexual partner. It’s unnatural, unworkable, unrealistic.” Additionally, even though it’s natural to be attracted to other people, […]
Thinking of filing for divorce in January? Read this first.
By Greg Griffin I bet you’ve figured out already that this is not the warm fuzzy holiday blog post. There are lots of wonderful heart-warming stories and experiences shared this time of year. Cultures around the world celebrate, decorate, plan parties, buy gifts, and gather with family and friends. Media hypes the feel-good stories of […]
In Praise of the Tenacity of Marriage
By Jennifer Grant At the small, religious college I attended, some girls joked that they were there to earn a “Mrs.” degree. I steered clear of them; their preoccupation with finding husbands seemed not only ridiculous but also pathetic to me. And I had plans. After college, I’d go to grad school, write a novel, […]
Your Marriage Belongs to Your Community of Family and Friends
By Nisa Muhammad To my dear recently wedded friend, I recently read an article on entitled “Divorced? Give Your Wedding Guests a Refund.” And I thought of you and your recent nuptials. After much thought, I wanted you to know that your marriage belongs not only to you and your spouse, but also your community of […]
The Joy of Love
By Dr. Hilary Towers Last week Pope Francis released his eagerly-awaited synthesis of the work that took place during the 2014 and 2015 synods on marriage and the family. The conclusions reached by Francis and the synod fathers in the lengthy document entitled, Amoris Laetitia, (Latin for “The Joy of Love”), have caused much discussion […]
In Training For My Grandchildren
By Jason Williams I’m 32-years-old. My kids are eight, seven, and five. I figure I’m at least 15 years away from having grandchildren, but I’m already preparing for them. About three years ago, someone wiser than me told me what someone wiser than he was told him: “Don’t think of your children as your children. […]
Busted By Ashley Madison: The Upside
By Seth Eisenberg Can getting busted on Ashley Madison be the beginning of true love and a happier, stronger marriage? For many, the surprising answer is “Yes!” Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton tearfully met the press in Orlando Monday to admit using his credit card for Ashley Madison as he privately probed the world’s largest dating site for cheaters from his government […]
Quad-Skinny-Double-Pump-Mocha-Chino — Marriage Advice — With Foam
By David Schel Like so many other mobile aficionados, I office out of a Starbucks location. It’s a great set-up. Nice working atmosphere, great music, and a full coffee bar. Best of all, free rent! I still get the full breadth of office chatter too. My landlord Howard actually stirred up some of the office […]
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