By Beverly Willett Until sued for divorce, many spouses have no idea they can be divorced without cause and against their will. I’m a lawyer and I, too, was in the dark right up until my husband left. So why is this violation of the U.S. Constitution that has shattered innocent lives not on the […]
After a rough divorce, last week I stumbled into a World Marriage Day celebration. . .
By Beverly Willett I got off to a slow start last Sunday morning, but realized I could still make the 11:30 a.m. mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah’s Roman Catholic Mother Church. So I hurried off, parked, and quickly ducked inside, clueless about what awaited me. Each weekend mass is well-attended, […]
The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Family in 2019: Save Your Marriage
By Michele-Weiner Davis As a veteran marriage therapist with nearly 40 years of experience, I am one of a group of professionals who have found that the format of the traditional “60-minute” therapy session repeated week after week is impractical-even inherently flawed. Instead I, along with a number of my colleagues, now offer two-day couples […]
Friendship Before Sex: A New Plan for Finding Love
By Sara Goff “Young love is a flame; very pretty, very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deepburning, unquenchable.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher (from RQ Relationship Intelligence by Richard A. Panzer) In my late twenties, I found myself in a two-year […]
Loving Service — The Basic Principle of Magnanimous Marriage
By Krsnanandini Devi Dasi, CFLE A few years ago, my husband, Tariq and I presented a seminar on the concept of what we term “Magnanimous Marriage.” In such a marriage, husband and wife are actual benefactors for one another. Benefactor is defined as a kindly helper, a person who benefits and supports another. “A happy […]
Marriage is Not Dead – And Our Fascination With the Royal Wedding Proves It
By Beverly Willett I thought marriage was supposed to be dead in the United States. So what’s up with the lovefest over the Royal Wedding? After all, the marriage rate is barely at 50%, down from 72% in 1960. Since all 50 states adopted no-fault divorce, the divorce rate skyrocketed, too. It’s now at 40-50%, […]
Thirty Years In: A Reflection on “Soul Mates”
By Jennifer Grant A friend posts a status update, tagging his wife, on Facebook: A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies in any given year. Thanks for 20 YEARS of all the above, my dearest! I think long-married people are less likely […]
Hey Kids, One More Thing: How About a “March for Our Families?”
By David Schel I was intrigued by students walking out of class for seventeen minutes on March 14th as well as March for Our Lives on March 24th. I wonder if their outrage might extend to another area of their lives where they’d be justified in feeling adults have failed them? Just as all kids […]
Great Expectations — The Real Key to Happily Ever After
By Lisa Wilkes Took the plunge. Ball and chain. Found my soul mate. Happily ever after. You complete me. If you Google euphemisms for marriage, these are some of the phrases that will pop up. With today’s divorce rate nearing 50%, a lasting and fulfilling marriage is often the exception, however, not the rule. So […]
Thinking About Divorce Doesn’t Mean Couples Will Follow Through
By Alan J. Hawkins, Ph.D “Well . . . on a day-to-day basis, that does change because, you know, something might happen and it makes me feel like, okay, I can do this. . . .[T]hen there are days when, its just like, okay, this is just not going to work or we are right […]
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